Tuesday, July 29, 2008

This post is Nifty


I was so rudely reminded that my posting habits have fallen behind those of others. So I make my triumphant return to the blogosphere to grace all with these words of wisdom. Think of my infrequent posts not as a failure to produce or an accurate exhibit of apathy, but more of a prolonging of the magic. Savor these morsels. They could save your life one day.

I must come clean here in a public forum. I have been watching Sex and the City. A close friend of mine convinced me to watch a few episodes with her during a visit a few months ago. As I had no other ideas of what to do, and with the promise from her that they weren't that bad and that there were a decent amount of boobies shown, I relented and watched one episode. I was vaguely familiar with the characters and overall storyline. And I have to admit it wasn't the worst thing I have ever seen. I further relented and watched another. And another. And another. And another. I was resigned to the fact at this point that I was going to have to watch all of them. It is part of my personality. Especially when faced with movies or TV, I must know all. So I went to task aquiring all the seasons of SATC. Once they were all aquired, I started the long trek through 6 seasons. The good thing for me was that all the episodes fall between running times of 20-30 minutes. Much better than attempting watching all of Oz. Between the hour long run times and the constant threat of man dangle an rape, SATC offered a cozier experiance.
My friend had warned me that the first two seasons weren't as good as the rest, but if I could slog through them that it would be worth it in the end. And jesus hopping saviour was she right. The first season was down right attrocious, and the second was only marginally better. The third brought more compelling (read: realistic) stories. And that's as far as I've gotten. I fineshed up the second and third seasons in a whirlwind 2 day marathon and burned myself out for a bit.
After watching that many episodes, I have come to a few conclusions. Firstly, I am missing a main component that would allow me to fully enjoy SATC to it's fullest. I don't give a shit about New York, New Yorkers, or their way of life. I don't give a shit about fashion or shoes. Most of the time I think that the fashion choices presented are ridiculous, ugly, or mediocre. And I really don't have much affection for Sarah Jessica Parker, or her charachter Carrie. That poses a problem as she's the main charachter and most of the story lines revolve around her in some way.
The good thing for me is that I'm over halfway home. The fifth season is way short, and I've already cut a decent chunk out of the sixth. Then I can be done with all this nonsense.


Joe said...

Aww man...say it ain't so! This hurts me in my heart.

Anonymous said...

:) Love it!