Monday, January 7, 2008

3 Movies so far...

The first movie I saw this year was Sweeney Todd on January 1st. While I am not much for musicals, I have found a few that I liked. I tolerated Chicago, mostly for John C. Reilly. I do like one song from Mulan Rouge. So when Adie wanted to go see Sweeney, I didn't balk. You can't go to wrong with Johnny Depp and Tim Burton teaming up.

Overall I really enjoyed this movie. I knew very little of the story going in but it unfolded quickly and believably. And I was really glad that the musical numbers were just interspersed with the dialog, and not huge productions with dancing and costumes. And there was plenty of blood and cannibalism.

Next I saw Shrek 3 with Joe when he was sick. I don't know if Joe stayed awake the whole time, but he didn't miss a whole lot. While I understand the market this movie is made for, they really strayed from what I felt made the first one good. While it was always geared for children, they included enough jokes and sight gags that would keep the adults in the crowd engaged in the story. I feel that the third installment really missed this point and in the end wasn't my cup of tea. Of course this won't stop me from seeing all of these as they inevitably will come out. Maybe if they just came out and made Shrek and Donkey to be gay, then at least I would be intrigued.

No Country for Old Men. Even though the trailer almost made me cream the jeans right there, I somehow managed to NOT see this movie until yesterday. I guess some of it is that I like only having to pay $5 for movies, and that means that I have to wait a few weeks till they get cheap. This is one movie that I wouldn't have minded paying full price for (see AVP:R)

The Coen Brothers are genius. They continue to push the envelope and make stories that won't appeal to middle of America. While they seemed to struggle a bit with Intolerable Cruelty and Ladykillers, this was a return to their roots. Take all the awesome elements of Fargo and Blood Simple and pour them into the desert wasteland of South Texas. I wouldn't be shocked if everyone involved in this project gets tons of nominations and ends up winning most of them.

That's it for now. I got 3 movies from the library to watch and 2 from netflix. My goal is to get all of them in by the end of this week before school starts again on the 14th.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you liked No Country For Old Men...I think it might be in our local dollar theater soon, so hopefully Kevin and I can get out to see it. I saw an article on msn a few weeks ago about the 10 worst movie endings, and the first point they brought up was how good the ending of NCFOM was. I'm intrigued.