Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Dude, things happen.

- I got poison ivy on my arm from transplanting some wild hosta's in Joan's yard into her "hosta garden" It sucks.

- There are two people that live in the house. I looked down this morning and saw 6 toothbrushes in the bathroom. I was knocked stupid for a few moments trying to understand why this could be. Then I remembered that Adie has what most people would refer to as "shark teeth."

-I watched Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay and Untraceable. Neither of which inspired me to write anything deep about them. Harold and Kumar was funny, which I expected. Untraceable was ok, until the final climactic scene which is jump started by the stupidest thing I have seen done by someone on screen in a very long time. Word to the wise, if you are being hunted down by a technological savvy killer who has just disabled your car's electrical functions rendering it useless, don't return to the car when it magically starts back up a few minutes later. You are just begging to be fucked with.

-I'm about a good hour's worth of work from being finished with school for this semester. Then I get to start summer classes on my birthday. But I'll have about a month off to recuperate. You know, from my extremely hard life. Boo Ya!

- The Reds still suck, but they did beat the Cubs last night. And they will have a chance to do it again tonight. I would almost be happy if the Reds never won a game except for every Cubs game.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BOO! Go Cubs! And I'm sorry you got poison ivy. Maybe it's because you're a Reds' fan. Love, K