Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Triple Play

-I have fallen behind the pace on my movie count. No specific reason for it, but there are little things that are pulling my attention away from the quest. But yesterday I fired it up and took in 3 films.

1.Wire in the Blood: Synchronicity. Another fine performance from this BBC series. Entertaining and interesting. I'm glad I don't live with the fear of a random serial killer stricking in Bloomington.
2.The Vanishing. A French movie that was probably a lot more scary back in the 80's. The "twist" ending wasn't much of a twist by today's standards, but was entertaining enough. Again, glad I don't have negative encounters with sociopaths and psycho's.
3.Iron Man. We went to the theater for this early summer popcorn flick. Ian and Adie knew even less than I did about the Iron Man back story, and I knew very little. But the flick did a good job of explaining everything easily, and had enough of crazy shit blowing up to keep us all entertained. I'm surprised that the studio gave Jon Faverau 140 million to make this movie without him doing any kind of big blockbuster work before as a director, but he did excellent and set himself up to make more of the awesome comic book movies. It doesn't hurt his cause that the film as already gross'd 210 million domestically.

- We went to Julia's for the Memorial Day weekend. It's always a good time up there, and this weekend was no exception. They decided to have a "small" get together on Sunday. Their idea of small still includes around 20 people, with enough food then to feed about 50. I did get in a game of croquet which was marred by my overzealous need to "send" Julia's ball down the hill. In my attempt to do so, I nearly crushed the side of my foot with the hammer. That sucked. I then later played in 5 games of volleyball. I'm proud to report that I did ok by my standards. I served a few that weren't out of bounds, and I made a few hits that didn't hurt my team.

- We get to pick up Gambit tomorrow. He's getting his harblls cut off as I type this, and will be ready to recover in his new home. Rouge is still a bit under weight, and will probably be ready by next week.

- GTA 4 is one of the main detractors from my movie quest. I'm amazed at the amount of detail that has been poured into it. I think I've played it about 30 hours at this point, but only completed maybe 15% of the game. And it's always nice to be able to disgust Adie with whatever depraved thing I make Niko do.

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